Cunnamulla Visitor Information Centre
This should be your first stop when visiting Cunnamulla.
This accredited visitor information centre offers a one stop shop for quality gifts, travel information including maps, brochures, and itineraries and of course our Museum, Time Tunnel and Art Gallery.
Staffed by skilled and knowledgeable locals, the Cunnamulla Visitor Information Centre can provide advice on the things to see, things to do and where to eat.
Information Area and Gift Shop

The Cunnamulla Visitor Information Centre with local gifts, handicrafts, souvenirs and much more. Plus everything you need to know from knowledgeable and helpful locals.
Stock up on homemade chutneys, native spices, some great books or a cuddly emu, oh and don’t forget your Cunnamulla Fella fridge magnets!

The Cunnamulla Visitor Information Centre houses our Regional Museum.
Make sure you also take the time to browse through our great museum and gain a small insight into the rich culture, heritage and history of this part of Australia.
We suggest allowing at least 90 minutes to experience the information centre and all it has to offer.
Art Gallery
The Information Centre also houses our Regional Art Gallery . Exhibitions in the Gallery are regularly changed and we display the works of artists from around Australia and also showcase the works of many talented artists that live within our region.
Visit our Facebook Page for updated information on the latest exhibitions.
Artesian Time Tunnel & Movie Theatre

The Artesian Time Tunnel at the centre provides visitors with an opportunity to gain an understanding of the importance of water from the Great Artesian Basin to sustain life and support our pastoral and mining industries.
Enjoy the interactive displays and movie of the Great Artesian Basin which we play daily on demand.
Opening Hours Winter Tourist Season:
1st April – 31st October: Mon – Fri: 9.00am – 4:30pm | Sat & Sun: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Opening Hours Summer Season:
1st December – 31st March: Mon – Fri: 9.00am – 4:30pm | Sat & Sun: Closed