Disability Access

A number of our accommodation properties, cafes, bars and buildings in the Paroo Shire are accessible by all.

Accommodation in Cunnamulla with disability access

Club Boutique Hotel

Disability accessible room

Country Way Motor Inn

Country Way Motor In Accommodation

Disabled access queen room available

Cunnamulla Cabins

Cunnamulla Cabins Accommodation

Disability access cabin available

Cunnamulla Tourist Park

cunnamulla tourist park

Wheelchair accessible cabin available.

Disability accessible toilets and showers for park guests.

Eulo Queen Hotel

eulo queen hotel

Disability access cabin available

Warrego Hotel

Warrego Hotel Motel Accommodation

Disability access room available

Warrego Riverside Caravan Park

Warrego Riverside Caravan Park

Caravan Park with wheelchair accessible toilets and shower block.

Places to Eat and Drink in Cunnamulla with disability access

Billabong Hotel Motel

billabong hotel motel accommodation

Wheelchair accessible doorway for access to bar and dining area

Club Boutique Hotel

Wheelchair access ramp leading to dining area.

Disabled toilet also on site

Cunnamulla Bakery

Your pets are welcome at Cunnamulla Bakery

Easily accessible entrance

Cunnamulla Bowls Club

Cunnamulla Bowls Club

Access into Bar area

Hotel Cunnamulla

Hotel Cunnamulla

Single step into bar area, staff happy to assist

Oxford Motel

The Oxford Hotel Cunnamulla

Access into Bar and Dining area

Rumour Has It

Rumour Has It - Pet Friendly Footpath Dining

Temporary ramp available for access

Warrego Hotel

Warrego Hotel Motel Accommodation

Access into bar and dining through bottle-shop area.

Wildflowers Cunnnamulla

Wildflowers Cunnamulla Dog Friendly Cafe

Portable ramp and wide doorway for easy access

Facilities in Cunnamulla and Paroo with disability access

Bob Poncho Park Toilets

Bob Poncho Park

Disabled accessible toilets

Centenary Park Toilets

Wheelchair Accessible Toilets

Disabled accessible toilets

Cunnamulla All Aboard

All Aboard Cunnamulla Railway

Wheelchair ramp for access into All Aboard Cinema and disability accessible bathrooms

Cunnamulla Hot Springs

Cunnamulla Hot Springs

Wheelchair accessible pool. Bathrooms and showers. Contact direct for details

Cunnamulla Library

Wheelchair Ramp & Disability Access

Wheelchair ramp and disability accessible bathroom

Cunnamulla Visitor Information Centre

Cunnamulla Visitor Information Centre

Wheelchair ramp for access into Museum and Information Centre and disability accessible bathroom

Paroo Shire Council

Disability Access Paroo Shire Council

Wheelchair ramp and disability accessible bathroom