Cunnamulla Bushlands
Discover our regional ecosystems when you visit the Cunnamulla Bushlands spanning a 6km site. Follow a 1km walking track through Mulga Lands, Sandhills, Gidgee Stands, Mitchell Grass Plains, Brigalow Country and Wetlands. This easy stroll meanders along a flowing waterway that ends at the Wetlands.

Arrange to visit around sunset for the best chance of viewing local wildlife. Bring some drinks and nibbles to enjoy as you watch Kangaroos coming to the waterhole to drink and perhaps see an Emu or two strolling by. These Bushlands offer you an ideal opportunity to experience multiple ecosystems in one location.
See native plant interpretive signage as you journey through the regional ecosystems. You’ll also spot plenty of birdlife around the waterways and Wetlands. The paths are wheelchair friendly.
Drive around 2km from the Cunnamulla Fella Visitor Information Centre to reach the Bushlands. Pick up a map and information sheet before you go.