Artesian Mud Springs Eulo
Built up over centuries these Mud Springs were the original release valves for the Great Artesian Basin. As underground pressure grows, mud is forced up through fissures in the ground. You’ll notice the mounds have soft jelly-like tops. These springs are centuries old and are a permanent water source in our semi-arid landscape.

For your chance to soak in the mineral-rich mud from these springs, head to the nearby Eulo Mud Baths. Thermally heated water is pumped straight from the Artesian basin to your clawfooted bath. Pat on the milky grey natural mud and let your skin relish the goodness from this mineral-rich mud. Complete the experience with wine and nibbles platters.
This super-group of Great Artesian Basin (GAB) springs have very high conservation value. They support specialised plants and animals only found in GAB springs.
Drive 8km out of Eulo on the road to Thargomindah where you’ll see a sign which reads ‘Mud Springs’.