


... read all about it!

We get a wonderful frozen moment snapshot of the life in Cunnamulla in 1903 from this account describing the sudden arrival of floodwaters in the town. It notes the striking way this could be measured against the height of the railings on the town's then very new bridge across the river.

For this we have the original report in the Warrego Watchman to thank, allied with the way these accounts were then later taken up and reproduced in an array of other newspapers such as occurred here in this report from "The Week" periodical published in Brisbane.


An exciting feature of material like this for us today is the fact that it is so easy to look up and reference. This is due to a wonderful collaborative venture of state libraries and archives coordinated by the National Library of Australia named "Trove".

By using the Trove portal you can quickly and simply make first hand enquiries into pretty much any subject that takes your historical interest. If it happened then the chances are a newspaper somewhere wrote about it!

Simply log into the trove.nla.gov.au web portal and lose yourself in an addictive matrix of primary historical reference material.

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3. Railway Hotel


5. War Memorial

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